Grades | Students | P/T Ratio | ZIP | |
Adams Elementary School | PK - 06 | 270 | 12 | 63110 |
Affton Early Childhood Center | PK - PK | 200 | 0 | 63123 |
Ames Visual/perf. Arts | PK - 05 | 200 | 12 | 63107 |
Arrowpoint Elementary School | PK - 05 | 325 | 15 | 63138 |
Ashland Elementary And Br. | PK - 06 | 169 | 13 | 63115 |
Avery Elementary School | KG - 05 | 450 | 15 | 63119 |
Barack Obama School | 01 - 08 | 382 | 15 | 63121 |
Barbara Jordan Elementary School | KG - 05 | 320 | 12 | 63130 |
Bayless Elementary School | PK - 05 | 800 | 16 | 63123 |
Beasley Elementary School | KG - 05 | 320 | 15 | 63125 |
Bellerive Elementary School | KG - 05 | 300 | 12 | 63141 |
Berkeley Elementary School | 03 - 05 | 430 | 12 | 63134 |
Bermuda Elementary School | PK - 02 | 225 | 14 | 63121 |
Bierbaum Elementary School | KG - 05 | 560 | 15 | 63125 |
Blades Elementary School | KG - 05 | 430 | 16 | 63129 |
Brentwood Early Childhd Center | PK - PK | 86 | 0 | 63144 |
Bryan Hill Elementary School | PK - 05 | 200 | 11 | 63107 |
Buder Elementary School | PK - 05 | 400 | 13 | 63109 |
Buder Elementary School | KG - 05 | 400 | 14 | 63074 |
Central Elementary School | KG - 06 | 300 | 15 | 63135 |
City Garden Montessori School | KG - 08 | 230 | 12 | 63110 |
Clark Elementary School | KG - 05 | 315 | 14 | 63119 |
Columbia Elementary Comm Education Center | PK - 05 | 210 | 13 | 63106 |
Concord Elementary School | KG - 05 | 600 | 19 | 63128 |
Conway Elementary School | KG - 04 | 338 | 12 | 63124 |
Craig Elementary School | KG - 05 | 375 | 14 | 63146 |
Crestwood Elementary School | KG - 05 | 465 | 14 | 63126 |
Danforth Elementary School | KG - 05 | 303 | 16 | 63137 |
Dewey School-internat'l. Studies | PK - 05 | 450 | 13 | 63139 |
Dressel Elementary School | KG - 05 | 650 | 16 | 63123 |
Earl Nance Sr Elementary School | PK - 06 | 300 | 16 | 63147 |
Early Childhood Education Center | PK - PK | 350 | 0 | 63126 |
Edgar Road Elementary School | KG - 05 | 377 | 14 | 63119 |
Elias Michael Elementary School | PK - 08 | 43 | 5 | 63106 |
F. P. Tillman Elementary School | KG - 05 | 500 | 16 | 63122 |
Fairview Intermediate School | 04 - 06 | 152 | 15 | 63136 |
Fairview Primary School | PK - 03 | 191 | 13 | 63136 |
Family Ctr | PK - PK | 130 | 0 | 63105 |
Flynn Park Elementary School | KG - 05 | 300 | 13 | 63130 |
Forder Elementary School | KG - 05 | 400 | 14 | 63125 |
Froebel Elementary School | PK - 05 | 250 | 15 | 63118 |
Gateway Elementary School | PK - 05 | 487 | 13 | 63106 |
Gateway Science Acad Of St Louis - South Elementary | PK - 05 | 380 | 0 | 63139 |
Gateway Science Acad/st Louis | PK - 05 | 399 | 13 | 63116 |
George R. Robinson Elementary School | PK - 05 | 595 | 15 | 63122 |
George Washington Carver Elementary | PK - 05 | 200 | 13 | 63106 |
Gibson Elementary School | KG - 05 | 500 | 17 | 63137 |
Givens Elementary | KG - 05 | 245 | 14 | 63119 |
Glasgow Elementary School | KG - 05 | 300 | 17 | 63137 |
Glenridge Elementary School | KG - 05 | 300 | 11 | 63105 |
Gotsch Intermediate School | 03 - 05 | 600 | 16 | 63123 |
Grannemann Elementary School | PK - 05 | 450 | 12 | 63136 |
Green Trails Elementary School | KG - 05 | 400 | 12 | 63017 |
Griffith Elementary School | 03 - 05 | 340 | 17 | 63135 |
Hagemann Elementary School | PK - 05 | 420 | 16 | 63128 |
Hamilton Elementary Community Education | PK - 05 | 254 | 14 | 63112 |
Hancock Early Childhood Center | PK - KG | 105 | 26 | 63125 |
Hancock Place Elementary School | KG - 05 | 640 | 13 | 63125 |
Henry Elementary School | PK - 05 | 200 | 15 | 63106 |
Herzog Elementary School | KG - 05 | 291 | 16 | 63147 |
Hickey Elementary School | PK - 06 | 250 | 12 | 63115 |
Highcroft Ridge Elementary School | KG - 05 | 370 | 13 | 63017 |
Highland Elementary School | KG - 05 | 289 | 16 | 63137 |
Hodgen Elementary School | PK - 06 | 240 | 14 | 63104 |
Holman Elementary School | PK - 02 | 250 | 15 | 63134 |
Hudson Elementary School | KG - 05 | 200 | 10 | 63119 |
Humboldt Acad Of Higher Lrning | 03 - 05 | 214 | 18 | 63104 |
Iveland Elementary School | KG - 05 | 500 | 14 | 63114 |
Jackson Park Elementary School | KG - 05 | 200 | 13 | 63130 |
Jefferson Elementary School | PK - 05 | 170 | 13 | 63106 |
Jefferson School | 01 - 08 | 315 | 17 | 63121 |
John Cary Early Childhood Ctr | PK - PK | 206 | 14 | 63125 |
Johnson Wabash Elementary School | 06 - 06 | 300 | 15 | 63135 |
Julia Goldstein Early Child | PK - PK | 135 | 8 | 63130 |
Keeven Elementary School | PK - 05 | 300 | 12 | 63136 |
Kehrs Mill Elementary School | KG - 05 | 595 | 17 | 63017 |
Kennerly Elementary School | KG - 05 | 500 | 16 | 63128 |
Kenneth C Hanrahan Elementary School | 04 - 06 | 200 | 17 | 63136 |
Kirkwood Early Child Ctr | PK - PK | 275 | 33 | 63122 |
Koch Elementary School | KG - 05 | 310 | 19 | 63136 |
Kratz Elementary School | KG - 05 | 540 | 16 | 63134 |
Ladue Early Childhood Center | PK - PK | 162 | 0 | 63141 |
Larimore Elementary School | PK - 05 | 350 | 12 | 63138 |
Lee Hamilton Elementary School | 03 - 05 | 275 | 17 | 63135 |
Lemasters Elementary School | KG - 05 | 355 | 17 | 63136 |
Lewis And Clark Elementary School | KG - 05 | 149 | 15 | 63136 |
Lexington Elementary School | PK - 05 | 260 | 12 | 63115 |
Litzsinger | KG - 08 | 125 | 0 | 63124 |
Long Elementary School | KG - 05 | 530 | 15 | 63126 |
Lucas Crossing Complex | 01 - 08 | 650 | 17 | 63121 |
Mallinckrodt A.b.i Elementary School | PK - 05 | 300 | 11 | 63139 |
Mann Elementary School | PK - 05 | 300 | 11 | 63116 |
Marion Elementary School | KG - 05 | 150 | 14 | 63114 |
Mark Twain Elementary School | KG - 05 | 156 | 11 | 63144 |
Marvin Elementary School | KG - 05 | 600 | 16 | 63114 |
Mason Elementary School | PK - 06 | 480 | 13 | 63139 |
Mason Ridge Elementary School | KG - 05 | 400 | 14 | 63141 |
Mcgrath Elementary School | KG - 05 | 200 | 11 | 63144 |
Mckelvey Elementary School | KG - 05 | 700 | 14 | 63043 |
Mckelvey Primary | KG - 01 | 0 | 0 | 63146 |
Meadows Elementary School | KG - 05 | 350 | 18 | 63136 |
Meramec Elementary School | KG - 05 | 345 | 11 | 63105 |
Meramec Elementary School | PK - 05 | 240 | 14 | 63118 |
Mesnier Primary School | KG - 02 | 580 | 16 | 63123 |
Michelle Obama Early Child Center | PK - PK | 250 | 0 | 63137 |
Moline Elementary School | KG - 05 | 305 | 19 | 63136 |
Monroe Elementary School | PK - 06 | 220 | 13 | 63118 |
Mosaic Elementary School | KG - 05 | 260 | 0 | 63125 |
Mrh Early Childhood Center | PK - 02 | 550 | 17 | 63143 |
Mrh Elementary School | 03 - 06 | 475 | 14 | 63117 |
Mullanphy Botanical Gardens | PK - 05 | 450 | 11 | 63110 |
Normandy Early Learning Center | PK - KG | 261 | 15 | 63121 |
North Glendale Elementary School | KG - 05 | 600 | 14 | 63122 |
North Side Community School | PK - 04 | 330 | 13 | 63115 |
Northview Elementary School | PK - 06 | 550 | 15 | 63136 |
Oak Hill Elementary School | PK - 05 | 230 | 16 | 63116 |
Oakville Elementary School | KG - 05 | 400 | 16 | 63129 |
Old Bonhomme Elementary School | KG - 04 | 380 | 13 | 63132 |
Parkwood Elementary School | PK - 05 | 468 | 13 | 63043 |
Pattonville Early Childhood | PK - PK | 250 | 5 | 63074 |
Peabody Elementary School | PK - 05 | 150 | 10 | 63104 |
Pershing Elementary School | KG - 05 | 262 | 14 | 63130 |
Pierre Laclede Elementary School | PK - 08 | 204 | 15 | 63112 |
Point Elementary School | PK - 05 | 436 | 17 | 63129 |
Ralph M Captain Elementary School | KG - 05 | 330 | 10 | 63105 |
Reed Elementary School | KG - 04 | 400 | 13 | 63124 |
Remington Traditional School | KG - 08 | 350 | 13 | 63043 |
Ritenour School For Early Childhood Education | PK - PK | 48 | 19 | 63114 |
River Bend Elementary School | KG - 05 | 450 | 14 | 63017 |
Robert Drummond Elementary School | PK - 05 | 660 | 13 | 63074 |
Rogers Elementary School | KG - 05 | 433 | 15 | 63129 |
Rose Acres Elementary School | PK - 05 | 346 | 14 | 63043 |
Ross Elementary School | KG - 05 | 444 | 13 | 63146 |
Sappington Elementary School | KG - 05 | 510 | 15 | 63126 |
Shaw Visual/perf. Arts Center | PK - 05 | 380 | 13 | 63139 |
Shenandoah Elementary School | PK - 06 | 175 | 13 | 63104 |
Shenandoah Valley Elementary School | KG - 05 | 470 | 14 | 63017 |
Sigel Elementary School | PK - 06 | 210 | 13 | 63104 |
Soulard School | PK - 05 | 145 | 7 | 63104 |
Spoede Elementary School | KG - 04 | 380 | 12 | 63141 |
St Louis Language Immersion - Marine | KG - 08 | 450 | 0 | 63103 |
Stix Early Childhood Center | PK - 02 | 478 | 14 | 63110 |
The Arch Community School | KG - 05 | 95 | 14 | 63107 |
The Biome School | KG - 05 | 186 | 13 | 63108 |
Trautwein Elementary School | KG - 05 | 410 | 19 | 63128 |
Twillman Elementary School | PK - 05 | 405 | 12 | 63138 |
W. W. Keysor Elementary School | KG - 05 | 550 | 15 | 63122 |
Walbridge Elementary Community Education | PK - 05 | 127 | 14 | 63120 |
Walnut Grove Elementary School | PK - 02 | 550 | 15 | 63135 |
Walter Ambrose Family Center | PK - PK | 182 | 13 | 63119 |
Washington Montessori | PK - 05 | 315 | 16 | 63113 |
Washington School | 01 - 08 | 359 | 15 | 63114 |
Westchester Elementary School | KG - 05 | 583 | 15 | 63122 |
Wilkinson Early Childhood Center | PK - 02 | 285 | 10 | 63139 |
Willow Brook Elementary School | KG - 05 | 500 | 13 | 63146 |
Woerner Elementary School | PK - 05 | 401 | 13 | 63116 |
Wohlwend Elementary School | KG - 05 | 430 | 18 | 63129 |
Woodland Elementary School | PK - 03 | 250 | 15 | 63136 |
Woodward Elementary School | PK - 05 | 320 | 14 | 63111 |
Wyland Elementary School | KG - 05 | 500 | 14 | 63114 |
Yeatman-liddell Preparatory Middle School | 06 - 08 | 300 | 13 | 63115 |
Grades | Students | P/T Ratio | ZIP | |
Academy Of Environmental Sciences And Mathmatics Middle School At L'ouverture | 06 - 08 | 250 | 8 | 63104 |
Bayless Jr. High School | 06 - 08 | 395 | 12 | 63123 |
Bernard Middle School | 06 - 08 | 676 | 16 | 63129 |
Brentwood Middle School | 06 - 08 | 160 | 10 | 63144 |
Brittany Woods | 06 - 08 | 550 | 14 | 63130 |
Busch Ms Character & Athletics | 06 - 08 | 373 | 13 | 63109 |
Carr Lane Vpa Middle School | 06 - 08 | 570 | 13 | 63106 |
Central Middle School | 06 - 08 | 899 | 13 | 63017 |
Compton-drew Ilc Middle School | 06 - 08 | 500 | 12 | 63110 |
Ferguson Middle School | 07 - 08 | 592 | 12 | 63135 |
Gateway Middle School | 06 - 08 | 680 | 12 | 63106 |
Gateway Science Academy Middle | 06 - 08 | 450 | 24 | 63139 |
Grand Center Arts Academy Middle School | 06 - 08 | 250 | 10 | 63103 |
Hancock Place Middle School | 06 - 08 | 350 | 11 | 63125 |
Hazelwood East Middle School | 08 - 08 | 180 | 9 | 63138 |
Hixson Middle School | 06 - 08 | 1,000 | 13 | 63119 |
Hoech Middle School | 06 - 08 | 800 | 17 | 63074 |
Holman Middle School | 06 - 08 | 600 | 12 | 63074 |
Jennings Jr. High School | 07 - 08 | 400 | 14 | 63136 |
Kairos Academies - St Louis | 05 - 08 | 250 | 10 | 63118 |
Kipp Inspire Academy | 05 - 08 | 415 | 22 | 63106 |
Kipp St Louis High School | 09 - 10 | 509 | 0 | 63103 |
Kipp Triumph Academy | 05 - 07 | 425 | 0 | 63107 |
La Salle Charter School | 05 - 08 | 127 | 10 | 63106 |
Ladue Fifth Grade Center | 05 - 05 | 345 | 8 | 63141 |
Ladue Middle School | 06 - 08 | 1,000 | 11 | 63124 |
Lift For Life Academy Middle School | 06 - 08 | 255 | 11 | 63104 |
Long Middle Community Ed. Center | 06 - 08 | 250 | 14 | 63116 |
Margaret Buerkle Middle School | 06 - 08 | 600 | 16 | 63125 |
Met Day Treatment Center | 09 - 09 | 5 | 0 | 63133 |
Mrh Middle School | 07 - 08 | 250 | 9 | 63143 |
Nipher Middle School | 06 - 08 | 700 | 14 | 63122 |
North Kirkwood Middle School | 06 - 08 | 650 | 14 | 63122 |
North Side Community - Grand Center Middle School | 05 - 08 | 130 | 16 | 63103 |
Northeast Middle School | 06 - 08 | 850 | 14 | 63141 |
Oakville Middle School | 06 - 08 | 675 | 16 | 63129 |
Pattonville Heights Middle School | 06 - 08 | 670 | 11 | 63043 |
R. G. Central Middle School | 06 - 08 | 800 | 20 | 63137 |
Ritenour Middle School | 06 - 08 | 700 | 15 | 63114 |
Robert H. Sperreng Middle School | 06 - 08 | 950 | 17 | 63128 |
Rogers Middle School | 06 - 08 | 700 | 13 | 63123 |
Southeast Middle School | 06 - 08 | 600 | 12 | 63138 |
Washington Middle School | 06 - 08 | 500 | 16 | 63128 |
West Middle School | 06 - 08 | 1,062 | 13 | 63017 |
Westview Middle School | 06 - 08 | 650 | 20 | 63136 |
Wydown Middle School | 06 - 08 | 630 | 9 | 63105 |
Grades | Students | P/T Ratio | ZIP | |
Affton High School | 09 - 12 | 778 | 19 | 63123 |
Bayless Senior High School | 09 - 12 | 555 | 18 | 63123 |
Beaumont Cte High School | 11 - 12 | 128 | 17 | 63107 |
Brentwood High School | 09 - 12 | 211 | 10 | 63144 |
Carnahan School Of The Future | 06 - 12 | 204 | 13 | 63118 |
Central High School | 09 - 12 | 1,259 | 15 | 63017 |
Central Vpa (vistual And Performing Arts) High School | 09 - 12 | 413 | 12 | 63139 |
Clayton High School | 09 - 12 | 860 | 10 | 63105 |
Community Access Job Training | 09 - 12 | 183 | 6 | 63109 |
Confluence Preparatory Academy | 09 - 12 | 399 | 13 | 63103 |
Fern Ridge High School | 10 - 12 | 105 | 8 | 63141 |
Gateway High School | 09 - 12 | 1,103 | 13 | 63110 |
Gateway Science Academy High School | 09 - 12 | 324 | 11 | 63139 |
Grand Center Arts Academy | 09 - 12 | 390 | 0 | 63103 |
Hancock Senior High School | 09 - 12 | 424 | 15 | 63125 |
Hawthorn High School | 09 - 11 | 41 | 8 | 63113 |
Hawthorn Leadership School For Girls | 06 - 12 | 113 | 7 | 63113 |
Hazelwood East High School | 08 - 12 | 1,800 | 14 | 63138 |
Hiram Neuwoehner | 09 - 12 | 152 | 0 | 63131 |
Innovation School At Cool Valley | 09 - 11 | 130 | 13 | 63121 |
Jennings Educational Training School | 07 - 12 | 90 | 0 | 63136 |
Jennings Senior High School | 09 - 12 | 699 | 17 | 63136 |
Kirkwood Senior High School | 09 - 12 | 1,800 | 15 | 63122 |
Ladue Horton Watkins High School | 09 - 12 | 1,366 | 13 | 63124 |
Lift For Life Academy High Sch | 09 - 12 | 333 | 11 | 63104 |
Lindbergh Senior High School | 09 - 12 | 1,936 | 17 | 63126 |
Maplewood-richmond Heights High School | 09 - 12 | 279 | 12 | 63143 |
Marquette Senior High School | 09 - 12 | 2,100 | 16 | 63017 |
Mckinley Class. Leadership Ac. | 06 - 12 | 650 | 11 | 63104 |
Mehlville High School | 09 - 12 | 1,500 | 15 | 63125 |
Metro Academic & Classical High School | 09 - 12 | 339 | 13 | 63108 |
Normandy High School | 09 - 12 | 690 | 18 | 63133 |
North High School | 09 - 12 | 1,106 | 14 | 63146 |
Oakville High School | 09 - 12 | 1,700 | 16 | 63129 |
Pattonville Senior High School | 09 - 12 | 1,622 | 14 | 63043 |
Ritenour Senior High School | 09 - 12 | 1,731 | 21 | 63114 |
Riverview Gardens Senior High School | 09 - 12 | 891 | 22 | 63137 |
Roosevelt High School | 09 - 12 | 400 | 14 | 63118 |
Soldan International Studies | 09 - 12 | 726 | 14 | 63108 |
Southview High | 09 - 12 | 106 | 0 | 63126 |
St. Louis Medicine And Bioscience Magnet High School | 09 - 12 | 347 | 0 | 63139 |
Steam Academy At Mccluer South - Berkeley High School | 09 - 12 | 434 | 15 | 63135 |
Sumner High School | 09 - 12 | 319 | 10 | 63113 |
University City Senior High School | 09 - 12 | 810 | 13 | 63130 |
Vashon High School | 09 - 12 | 494 | 11 | 63106 |
Webster Groves High School | 09 - 12 | 1,600 | 15 | 63119 |
Grades | Students | P/T Ratio | ZIP | |
Aspire Academy | PK - 02 | 175 | 14 | 63120 |
Atlas Public Schools | PK - 01 | 0 | 0 | 63103 |
Betty Wheeler Classical Junior Academy | PK - 05 | 300 | 14 | 63139 |
Confluence Academy - Old North | PK - 08 | 612 | 13 | 63107 |
Confluence Academy - South City | PK - 02 | 800 | 15 | 63111 |
Eagle (momentum Academy) - Gravois Park | KG - 05 | 127 | 0 | 63118 |
Eagle (momentum Academy) - Tower Grove East | KG - 08 | 175 | 0 | 63118 |
Eagle College Preparatory School - Fox Park | KG - 08 | 191 | 0 | 63104 |
Eagle College Preparatory School (momentum Academy) - Tower Grove South | KG - 08 | 240 | 24 | 63116 |
Educational Therapeutic Support @ Madison | KG - 08 | 100 | 0 | 63104 |
Excel Center - St Louis | - | 0 | 0 | 63103 |
Gateway/hubert Wheeler School | UG - UG | 20 | 0 | 63103 |
Kipp Victory Academy | KG - 04 | 550 | 28 | 63112 |
Kipp Wisdom Academy | KG - 04 | 550 | 18 | 63104 |
Kipp Wonder Academy | PK - 04 | 400 | 0 | 63118 |
Lafayette Preparatory Academy | KG - 08 | 389 | 22 | 63104 |
Lift For Life Academy Elementary School | KG - 02 | 177 | 0 | 63104 |
Lyon Academy At Blow | PK - 08 | 300 | 10 | 63111 |
Miller Career Academy | 09 - 12 | 470 | 13 | 63106 |
Missouri Elementary School For The Blind | KG - 08 | 17 | 0 | 63110 |
Missouri High School For The Blind | 09 - 12 | 19 | 0 | 63110 |
Nahed Chapman New American Academy | KG - 08 | 120 | 7 | 63104 |
Pamoja Preparatory Academy @ Cole | PK - 08 | 330 | 12 | 63108 |
Premier Charter School | PK - 08 | 1,000 | 12 | 63139 |
Slate Youthbuild | UG - UG | 50 | 12 | 63103 |
South Technical | 11 - 12 | 750 | 21 | 63127 |
Southview High School | KG - 08 | 59 | 5 | 63126 |
St Louis Youthbuild | UG - UG | 0 | 0 | 63121 |
City | County | |
Population | 306,490 | 306,520 |
Population Density | 4,951 | 4,951 |
Median Age | 37.5 | 37.5 |
People per Household | 2.1 | 2.1 |
Median Household Income | 47,461 | 47,459 |
Average Income per Capita | 31,825 | 31,824 |
St Louis is located in Missouri. St Louis, Missouri has a population of 306,490. St Louis is less family-centric than the surrounding county with 20% households with children. The county percentage for households with children is 20%.
The median household income in St Louis, Missouri is $47,461. The median household income for the surrounding county is $47,459 compared to the national median of $66,222. The median age of people living in St Louis is 37.5 years.
The average high temperature in July is 90.5 degrees, with an average low temperature in January of 21.2 degrees. The annual precipitation is 38.84.
Bryant Real Estate I, LLC
5533 Jackson Ave
Kansas City, MO 64130
Phone: 816-523-1990
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